Adzler allows you to get notified instantly with deals from your local stores and business in your area
How many times have you found yourself in need of finding goods deals in local stores?
Adzler quickly identifies your position and allows you to choose the nearest Bank, Bar, Gas Station, Hospital, Hotel, Movie Theatre, Restaurant, Supermarket, Theatre, you Name it. Get the Buzz around You!!
Adzler shows you a complete list of all the businesses in the category you have tapped on along with the distance from where you are.
Stay up-to-date, and see what others are saying about local stores around you.
Don’t be shy. Share, Like and Comment, and spread the love by rating this App in the App Store
Adzler provides you with real-time recommendations for great deals near you.
Adzler takes steps to limit usage of GPS to preserve battery life. That said, as with any functionality of this type, continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.
For every listing you can choose to see its location on a Map, view the route from where you are, add the information to your contact list or even email the information to a friend.
Fast, easy and accurate. Adzler is your ideal day to day companion.